CGT Articles

CGT Event G3

CGT Event G3 What is CGT Event G3? CGT event G3 is relevant where an appointed liquidator or administrator makes a declaration that the shareholders of a company, or shareholders of a relevant class...

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CGT event K4

CGT event K4

CGT event K4  CGT event K4 addresses a situation where a taxpayer that holds a CGT asset on capital account starts to instead hold that asset as trading stock. This is most common in a property...

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CGT Event I1

CGT event I1 What is CGT event I1?     CGT event I1 addresses a situation where an individual or company owns CGT assets and ceases being an Australian resident for taxation purposes.   The rules...

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CGT Event G1

CGT Event G1   What is CGT Event G1?   CGT event G1 addresses a situation where a company makes certain payments to a shareholder.   Specifically, the requirements are that:   The company makes a...

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CGT Event K3

CGT Event K3

What is CGT event K3?   CGT event K3 addresses a situation where a taxpayer becomes deceased and a CGT asset that taxpayer owned passes to a beneficiary of the deceased estate, whereby the...

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CGT Event A1

CGT Event A1

What is CGT Event A1?  CGT event A1 addresses a situation where a taxpayer disposes of a CGT asset.   A taxpayer disposes of a CGT asset where there is a change of ownership over the CGT asset.   ...

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CGT Event D1

CGT Event D1    What is CGT Event D1? CGT event D1 happens to a taxpayer if contractual or other legal or equitable rights are created in another entity. The rules relating to this event are...

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Forex Tax

Forex Tax

Foreign Exchange Gains and Losses  A taxpayer may make a windfall gain or loss due to fluctuations in exchange rates between the time the tax law recognises an amount and the time of realisation or...

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Capital Gains Tax

This article discusses capital gains tax in Australia, including the concept of CGT events and net capitals gains or losses, up to the applicable exemptions.

Small Business CGT Concessions

This article is an overview of the small business CGT concessions. The small business CGT concessions can significantly reduce and sometimes eliminate tax payable on the sale of a small business. The concessions are therefore extremely important when tax planning for...

CGT Main Residence Exemption

The capital gains tax (CGT) provisions in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 1997) do not apply to the disposal of the main residence where certain conditions are met. Generally, this means that where an individual sells the main residence, no CGT is payable...

Earnout Arrangement

What is an earnout arrangement? An earnout arrangement is where a business is sold for a set amount plus a percentage of profits in the future for a specified period.  The CGT rules provide that capital gains and losses arising in respect of look-through earnout...

CGT on Property Development

The revenue/capital distinction It is very important to determine whether a property is being sold on revenue or capital account as it determines whether: any gain is exempt because it is a disposal of a pre-CGT asset the 50% discount and the CGT small business...