Superannuation Articles

Income stream

Income stream

Contents Minimum standards applicable to an income stream Tax outcomes When does the income stream end? Super fund compliance requirements When a superannuation fund member satisfies a condition of...

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Income Stream Commutation

Contents Basic Considerations for a Member Voluntarily Commuting an Income Stream   The Requirements to Voluntarily Commute an Income Stream  Mandatory Commutation Imposed on the Superannuation Fund    Basic Considerations for a Member Voluntarily Commuting an Income...

Total Superannuation Balance

Contents What is Total Superannuation Balance? How is Total Superannuation Balance Calculated? Strategies to Manage Total Superannuation Balance What is Total Superannuation Balance? Total superannuation balance is the method used to value an individual’s total...

Transfer balance cap

Contents What is the transfer balance cap? What is a retirement phase account? What is an individual’s transfer balance limit? What is a transfer balance account and what role does it play? Transfer balance credits Transfer balance debits Excess transfer balance tax...

Income stream

Contents Minimum standards applicable to an income stream Tax outcomes When does the income stream end? Super fund compliance requirements When a superannuation fund member satisfies a condition of release such as retirement, they may start to make withdrawals by lump...

Super Death Benefit

Contents Taxation of death benefits to dependant Taxation of death benefits to non dependant Death benefits paid to trustee of deceased estate Issues related to the transfer balance cap A superannuation death benefit is a payment from a super fund to a person or to a...

First Home Super Saver Scheme

Contents Eligibility and conditions FHSS determination Failure by individual to enter into contract to purchase or construct a home The First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSS Scheme) was launched to help individuals save for their first home by allowing them to build up...

Ordinary Time Earnings

What is ordinary time earnings?OTE is the amount paid to employees for their ordinary hours of work. OTE includes payments such as commissions and shift loadings. Employers use: Ordinary time earnings (OTE) to work out the minimum super guarantee contribution for...

Super Contributions

Types of super contributionsEmployers are required to pay super guarantee (SG) contributions for their employees. For the 2023-24 financial year, employers are required to contribute 11% of their employees’ ordinary time earnings into super. For the 2024-25 financial...

Departing Australia Superannuation Payment

Contents What is a Departing Australia Superannuation Payment (DASP)? DASP eligibility Finding your superannuation Application process for DASPS Handling additional contributions Specific cases of unclaimed money payments as DASPS DASP withholding tax Taxation of...

Super Guarantee Charge

Contents Who is an employee for SGC purposes? Ordinary time earnings SGC requirements How to calculate SGC Late payments Penalties for non compliance The superannuation guarantee charge (SGC) is applied where an employer fails to meet super guarantee obligations...

Super – Conditions of Release

Contents Retirement Turning 65 Death Terminal medical condition Permanent and temporary incapacity Severe financial hardship Compassionate grounds Post-preservation age, non-commutable income stream Termination of employment First home super saver scheme (FHSS) For...

Superannuation Lump Sum

Contents Super lump sums Components of a super lump sum Working out the withholding amount Rollovers Table A: Withholding rates for super lump sums Preservation age Super lump sums A super lump sum payment includes a: lump sum member benefit paid to an individual...