CGT Event K5 What is CGT Event K5? CGT Event K5 deals with special collectable losses. It applies where all the following happen: a taxpayer owns shares in a company or an interest in a trust; and...
CGT Articles
CGT Event E9
CGT Event E9 What is CGT Event E9? CGT Event E9 is where a taxpayer receives a payment for agreeing to hold future property on trust. At the time of the agreement, no potential...
CGT Event E8
CGT Event E8 What is CGT Event E8? CGT Event E8 broadly involves a situation where a beneficiary under a trust disposes of an interest in trust capital (or part of it) and where no money or...
CGT Event E7
CGT Event E7 What is CGT Event E7? CGT Event E7 is where the trustee of a trust disposes of a CGT asset of the trust to a beneficiary in satisfaction of the beneficiary's interest, or part of...
CGT Event E3
CGT Event E3 What is CGT Event E3? CGT Event E3 is when a trust (not a unit trust) which holds a CGT asset is converted to a unit trust. And just before the conversion, a beneficiary under...
CGT Event E2
CGT Event E2 What is CGT Event E2? CGT Event E2 involves a situation where a taxpayer transfers a CGT asset to an existing trust. This is distinct from CGT event E1 which applies where a...
CGT Event C3
CGT Event C3 What is CGT Event C3? CGT Event C3 involves a situation where a company or the trustee of a unit trust grants another entity or person an option to acquire shares, units or debentures...
CGT Event K6
CGT Event K6 What is CGT Event K6? Typically, capital gains tax is not applicable when a CGT event happens to a CGT asset acquired prior to introduction of the CGT regime on 20 September 1985. CGT...
CGT Event K2
CGT event K2 What is CGT event K2? If applicable, CGT Event K2 enables a taxpayer who has become bankrupt the opportunity to recognise a capital loss in respect of a debt repayment where: the...