Double Tax Agreement


  • What is double taxation?
  • The role of international tax agreements in addressing double taxation
  • Why do double tax agreements exist?
  • What are the steps leading to a DTA?
  • Capital gains tax
  • Business profits and permanent establishment
  • Legal effect of double tax agreements

What is double taxation?

Double taxation is a situation in which a taxpayer is subjected to similar tax obligations by two different countries for the same income, during the same timeframe, and related to the same subject matter.

This problem arises from the fact that each nation has the authority to impose taxes within its territorial boundaries, and its legal system enforces these tax laws without considering their impact on individuals or entities outside its jurisdiction.

International law does not impose any obligation on countries to account for the tax laws of other nations when establishing their tax rates, nor does it require them to limit their taxation in any particular manner.

Consequently, the same income can be taxed by more than one nation, resulting in double taxation.

Double taxation typically occurs in two main scenarios:

  1. Residence vs. Source Taxation: In this scenario, one country taxes income based on the recipient’s place of residence, while another taxes it based on the source of income.
  2. Dual Residency or Citizenship: Double taxation can also arise when an individual or entity is a resident of one state and a citizen of another, and both countries levy taxes on the same income.

Double taxation can be further complicated by the following factors:

  • Even among nations imposing tax based on the recipient’s personal attributes, one jurisdiction may tax based on residency, while another may use nationality or domicile as the basis, leading to potential multiple taxations of the same income.
  • Conflicts and inconsistencies can occur when multiple jurisdictions have differing interpretations of the criteria for tax liability. For example, a taxpayer may be considered a resident of two different countries under each country’s laws, or the same income may be deemed sourced in multiple countries.

To mitigate the issue of double taxation, double tax agreements are employed. These agreements work to limit the domestic tax laws of one or more participating countries in the following ways:

Overriding Domestic Provisions: DTAs can supersede the domestic tax laws of the countries involved, ensuring that the same income is not taxed twice.
Tax Credit Mechanism: These agreements obligate one or both countries to grant a credit against their domestic taxes for taxes already paid in the other country, thereby reducing the risk of double taxation.

A display of vintage cameras.

The role of international tax agreements in addressing double taxation

The problem of double taxation highlights the importance of establishing agreements between different taxing jurisdictions.

These agreements aim to ensure that income is taxed in a way that serves both the interests of taxpayers, by avoiding multiple taxation, and the interests of nations, by ensuring that income is taxed at least once.

Beyond fairness, the avoidance of double taxation is recognized as a significant factor in promoting international trade, facilitating the free flow of investment between nations, and ultimately contributing to broader industrial development and improved global living standards.

High effective tax rates make it difficult to tax the same income more than once without confiscation, which effectively discourages foreign investment.

International tax agreements play a crucial role in fostering a more open exchange of goods and capital between nations, bolstering economic cooperation.

A display of vintage cars, representing the concept of double tax agreement.

Why do double tax agreements exist?

DTAs have a clear goal: to prevent double taxation and stop tax evasion when it comes to income taxes. These agreements help ensure that people or companies don’t end up paying taxes twice on the same income and make it harder for individuals or businesses to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.

The role of the OECD in stopping tax tricks

The OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), a group of countries working together, noticed that some businesses were playing tricks with taxes to avoid paying their fair share. They called this “base erosion and profit shifting” (BEPS).

It’s basically when companies move their profits to places where they don’t have to pay much tax. To tackle this problem, over 100 countries started working together through the OECD.

The multilateral convention to stop tax tricks

To combat BEPS, the OECD introduced something called the Multilateral Convention. This lets countries quickly change their tax agreements with other countries to include new rules to stop tax tricks. Australia is part of this, and these rules started applying in Australia in 2019.

A new focus: stopping double taxation

Now, instead of just avoiding double taxation, the goal of these agreements has shifted to stopping it altogether. They want to make sure that double taxation doesn’t create opportunities for people or companies to avoid paying taxes. To do this, countries have to put this idea in their tax agreements.

Solving problems and working together

DTAs do more than just deal with taxes. They also help solve disagreements and allow countries to talk and find solutions if there are issues with their tax rules.

Plus, they let countries share information and cooperate in making sure people and businesses follow their tax laws.

Promoting trade and smart choices

Lastly, when Australia signs these agreements, they often talk about promoting trade. By preventing double taxation and making tax rules more certain, these agreements encourage trade between countries.

They also make sure that people think about all the important factors when they make decisions about investing money, not just the tax side of things. This is good for making smart economic decisions and increasing trade between countries.

A black and white laptops placed back to back.

What are the steps leading to a DTA?

The journey towards signing a bilateral DTA follows a well-defined set of steps. This process typically spans approximately two years, though it can take longer, and involves various stages to ensure that both countries involved reach a mutually agreeable DTA.

Below, we break down the usual steps leading to the establishment of a DTA.

Model tax treaties exchange

The process commences with the countries involved exchanging their respective model tax treaties. Each country’s model treaty represents the type of treaty it would prefer to sign.

These model treaties serve as foundational documents and starting points for negotiations. They help establish positions that both nations can accept. Prior to official negotiations, each country typically assesses trade and economic flows between them, as well as the tax systems and existing tax treaties of the other country.

Initial negotiations

There are typically two formal rounds of negotiations. These discussions primarily involve the taxation administrations of each country, with minimal diplomatic involvement.

During these rounds, negotiators work to address key aspects of the DTA, such as tax rates, rules for the elimination of double taxation, and the exchange of information.

Draft agreement finalization

Once the negotiations are complete, a draft agreement is prepared. This draft is then reviewed, translated into the required languages, and subsequently signed by government officials from each country.

In Australia’s case, DTAs are generally signed by the Treasurer. The time between initial contact and agreement signing typically spans at least 12 months.

Domestic approval and legal force

For the DTA to become legally binding and effective in each country, a crucial step is obtaining domestic approval. This often requires the endorsement of the legislative body or bodies within each country.

The legislative process may involve parliamentary scrutiny, and it is essential for the treaty to receive approval in each country before it can enter into force.

Agreement ratification

After domestic approval, the respective governments of the countries inform one another that the DTA has been ratified in their respective jurisdictions. This is a formal step indicating that the DTA is now legally binding and in effect.

Implementation and enforcement

With the DTA ratified, the countries move forward to implement its provisions. This may include modifying national tax laws to align with the agreement. The DTA is enforced according to its terms, and it plays a pivotal role in regulating taxation of income, trade, and economic activities between the signatory nations.

Parliamentary scrutiny and transparency

It’s worth noting that the Commonwealth Government in Australia introduced changes in 1996 regarding the procedures for entering into international treaties, including DTAs. These changes involve increased transparency and parliamentary scrutiny.

All new treaties and international conventions, as well as amendments to existing ones, must be tabled in Parliament and reviewed by the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties. This ensures that the Australian Parliament has the opportunity to assess and scrutinize international agreements.

National interest analysis

As part of the new procedures, each treaty, including DTAs, is presented with a National Interest Analysis (NIA). The NIA provides a comprehensive evaluation of the treaty, considering its economic, environmental, social, and cultural impacts where relevant.

It details the treaty’s obligations, its financial implications for Australia, how it will be implemented domestically, consultation processes, and whether it includes provisions for renunciation or withdrawal.

This added transparency enhances the public’s and Parliament’s understanding of the treaty’s implications before it is legally binding.

A pair od identical thirts and another pair of tennis shoes, representing the concept of double tax agreement.

Capital gains tax

Capital gains are the profits made from selling valuable assets, such as stocks, real estate, or businesses. When you make money from these sales, it’s subject to taxation. In Australia, this tax is known as Capital Gains Tax (CGT).

The complexity arises when the assets are international, and the question of which country gets to tax the gain comes into play.

For Australian residents, if you sell assets like property or shares, you’re generally required to pay CGT. For non-residents, you’ll usually only be taxed on capital gains from selling property in Australia, but this applies to property bought after a specific date, September 20, 1985.

This means if you’re a non-resident selling Australian property, you’re subject to CGT.

DTAs and capital gains taxation

Modern DTAs are crucial in determining the taxation of capital gains. Here’s how they work:

Residency Matters: DTAs take into account your tax residency. If you’re a resident of one country but earn capital gains from selling assets in another country (for instance, a non-resident making gains in Australia), the DTA helps decide which country has the right to tax that gain.

Location of the Asset: For CGT, the location of the valuable item you sold plays a crucial role. The general rule is that the country where the property or asset is located has the right to tax the capital gain.

Avoiding Double Taxation: If your case involves a DTA between your home country and the foreign country where the gain was made, the DTA will often allow you to claim a credit for any tax you paid in the foreign country.

This ensures you don’t end up paying tax on the same gain in both your home country and the foreign country.

These agreements are designed to make taxation fair, prevent double taxation, and create consistency in how capital gains are taxed internationally. The specific rules and provisions can vary from one DTA to another, so it’s crucial to understand the agreement between your country of residence and the foreign country where you’re generating income.

A pair of mocktails on a table.

Business profits and permanent establishment

When it comes to taxing business profits in the context of international taxation, a crucial consideration is the concept of a ‘permanent establishment.’ This term refers to a fixed location or place of business where a taxpayer conducts some or all of their business activities.

Under the business profits article found in many tax treaties, the profits generated by a business in one country can be subject to taxation in another country, but only in two specific situations:

  • Presence of a PE: The first condition is that the business must actually operate within the second country through a permanent establishment. This means the business has a physical, fixed place of business in that country, like an office, branch, or factory.
  • Attribution of Profits: The second condition involves the determination of which portion of the business’s profits can be attributed to the activities conducted through the permanent establishment. In other words, only the profits related to the business operations occurring at the permanent establishment can be subject to taxation in the second country.

Thus, these two criteria are used to ensure that business profits are fairly and appropriately taxed in both the home country and the host country, reflecting the economic activities conducted within each jurisdiction.

This is a fundamental principle in international tax treaties that helps prevent double taxation of business profits.

A pair of clothes hanging under to sun to dry, representing the concept of double tax agreement.

Legal effect of double tax agreements

Double tax agreements (DTAs) play a crucial role in international taxation, but their legal impact is distinct in domestic and international contexts. Here we will explore the legal implications and significance of DTAs, emphasizing the need for domestic incorporation and international compliance.

Domestic incorporation and international legal framework

For Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) to have the force of law within Australia, they must be incorporated into Australian domestic law through the International Tax Agreements Act 1953. In other words, they need to be officially adopted as part of Australia’s legal system to be enforced.

On the international stage, DTAs are considered significant agreements that participating countries should honor faithfully and work together cooperatively. These agreements foster cooperation between nations when it comes to tax matters.

Importantly, a country that is part of a DTA cannot use its own internal laws as an excuse to back out of the commitments it made in the agreement. The terms of the DTA take precedence over a country’s internal laws in case of a conflict. This ensures that countries uphold their DTA obligations.

Hierarchy of domestic law

While DTAs are crucial in international law, they exist within a hierarchy in the domestic legal system of Australia. The International Tax Agreements Act states that this act usually takes precedence over any conflicting provisions in other Australian tax laws.

It’s essential to understand that the International Tax Agreements Act, like many other laws in Australia, can be replaced by later laws if they contradict each other. This means that a new domestic law can make an existing DTA ineffective, even if this contradicts Australia’s international treaty commitments.

However, it’s crucial to note that Australian courts have established a principle: when interpreting domestic laws, they should lean towards an interpretation that aligns with Australia’s international obligations, as long as the language of the law allows for such an interpretation.

In other words, they give priority to honoring international agreements, even if new domestic laws appear to conflict with them.

Consequences of inconsistent domestic laws

When a country enacts a domestic tax law that conflicts with the provisions of a DTA it has signed with another country, the domestic law remains valid but is in breach of international obligations under the DTA. In such cases, the other country is not obligated to grant a credit for the tax imposed under the DTA.

This article is general information only and does not provide advice to address your personal circumstances. To make an informed decision you should contact an appropriately qualified professional.